Femme Fatale

Cleopatra (strictly speaking Cleopatra VII Philoprator) has a reputation as a femme fatale. Since she ended up killing herself, this is perhaps well earned, if rather more introverted than these things are normally taken to be.

In this picture, from 1887, we see her confronting one of the un-considered problems of the ancient world. Without scientific analysis how do you know which poisons will work?

The French artist Alexandre Cabernel has captured her in the midst of a careful experiment. Sadly there is not evidence of attempts to carry out a double-blind, randomised trial but I suppose you can’t have everything. I’d like to believe that the Covid-19 vaccine will be tested more rigorously. Besides, I’m not sure that a picture of a female virologist languidly reclining on a couch while struggling male anti-vaxxers are dragged into her presence is quite what the Women in STEM campaign would approve of.

5 thoughts on “Femme Fatale

  1. Servitor July 26, 2020 / 2:31 pm

    That Cleopatra knew her stuff, as you can tell from the fact that she took being a ‘femme fatale’ literally, not just confining herself to glowering looks while wearing suspenders in black and white photographs to achieve that status, as so many do in these softer times.

    It’s about time someone used experimental evidence to put femdom onto a sound scientific footing.

    I’ve actualy just signed up to a sex experiment myself. I couldn’t believe my luck when I saw the advertisement in the newspaper. Apparently, they’re going to be testing the health benefits for males that arise from repeated high levels of sexual ecstasy. Twice a week, participants will be visited by beautiful women and brought to orgasm as many times as they can manage, through every feminine wile that has been brought to bear on the problem (a fancy of way of saying ‘by being sucked off’, as far as I can see) since Cleopatra first stroked an asp.

    Anyway, I’ve just heard that I’ve been selected for the programme, so for the next five years it’s non-stop orgasmic pleasure for me! I’m in the ‘control group’ whatever that means, apparently.

    Keep the faith, Freddie. One day, the world will be run by the right people.

    Best wishes



    • freddieclegg19 July 27, 2020 / 9:04 am

      Well, I don’t want to take the edge of your delight at being in the control group but it will depend which of the variables they are controlling for as to how much fun or otherwise this is…


  2. Phil Lane July 27, 2020 / 9:25 pm

    Don’t overlook Frances Amthor, a character in the 1975 movie Farewell My Lovely, brought to life by Kate Murtagh.
    Amthor is the Madame of an LA brothel and in one scene, Philip Marlow who has been drugged and imprisoned in the brothel, breaks free .
    Sodden with drugs, he stumbles into her office (she is doing the book-keeping) swaying from side to side and waving a gun.
    Amthor bursts out laughing to which Marlow replies
    ‘Listen Lady, this is a gun and if you’ve got a gun, people are supposed to do what you tell ’em!’
    Amthor replies in her turn, ‘Yeah but not if they are incapable’
    She rises from her desk, wrestles the gun from his hand and throws him back in a chair.


    • freddieclegg19 July 28, 2020 / 9:36 am

      Not seen that one, though (sacrilege) I enjoyed Mitchum in the remake of The Big Sleep although the perennially loopy Sarah Miles can’t hold a candle to Bacall in my book…..


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